Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday Updates!

Hey, everyone! This is Emilie, bringing you the Saturday updates. :) Just a few things I wanted to let you know about!
     New blog! And no, I don't mean we're getting an entirely new blog--AGAIN. I mean that we're trying to redesign the blog to make it look more appealing, haha! That black was really killing the mood.... Anyway, you might see a lot of changes coming, so stay tuned!
     New series! You probably noticed that we have this extra day where we don't post anything and it's just kind of awkward and crickets and stuff.... Well no longer!! I will be starting a new series next week about editing. Because let's face it; every single writer on the planet struggles at least a little bit with this. It's going to be fun and educational! Just like Dora the Explorer! (Wow, I'm sorry, guys, that was painful...)
     And just to make your weekend even better, here's a cute puppy dog.

You're welcome.
     Anyway, I hope you guys have a wonderful day! :)

Keep writing,
- Emilie

Friday, February 27, 2015

Guest Post - RaWD

We are so happy to have Wild Horse, from over at Ravens and Writing Desks with us today!

Wild Horse is a public high schooler in New Zealand. She likes to read, write and consume large amounts of coffee. She became serious about writing in her early teens, but she would like to go into Science when she leaves school. She's always got a story in her head and a pen in her pocket. Sometimes you have to yell her name to get her attention, because she likes to live inside her head with her characters. At 1am in the morning, with her finger covered in pen or eyes fuzzy from the computer screen, she understands that writing is her passion and without it, she would go crazy. You can find her on Pinterest, Goodreads, and at her blog.

Thank you for being with us, Wild Horse!

Thanks for having me!

  How old were you when you started writing?
I learnt to write at a young age, and I kept a diary on and off from about the age of 10, but I wasn't serious until I was 13 or so. It was a slow process, I didn't even know until I looked back. It sort of just happened. 
 What motivated you to start writing? 
I just did, I guess. I love books, and I wanted to bring that same joy to someone else by writing. It's always felt natural for me, I always have many stories in my head, and I go crazy if I don't note them down or develop them further. 

 Was there a figure that inspired you to begin writing? 
Not really, I bumbled my way around for the first year or so, then began to develop seriously as a writer. I didn't write because someone I looked up to wrote, but Go Teen Writers encouraged me hugely as I found my writing feet. 

 What sort of books were you reading when you decided to become a writer? 
Things like Pony Club Secrets by Stacy Gregg, Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan, Roman Mysteries by Caroline Lawrence when I was 12 or 13. Later on when I realised that writing was a serious part of my life, I was reading anything that I could get my hands on. You can find me on Goodreads to see what I'm reading currently. 

 Do you prefer writing with a paper and ink, or typing on the computer? 
I love handwriting, but my hand starts to cramp, then I can't read my own writing, or spell. So I type out of practicality. 

What genre are you currently working on? 
I just started a Contemporary set on a New Zealand farm.

Which genres have you worked on in the past? 
Fantasy and Contemporary is all I have ever written. I struggle with Si-Fi, Romance and Historic Fiction. I'm not sure why, but I've always written in the real world I see around me, or in one thats come completely from my imagination. 

 What is your FAVORITE genre? 
I love to write Fantasy and Contemporary equally, and I read pretty much every genre. I don't only read one because I think that there is great books in every genre. 

What would you say to someone who is just beginning their writing journey? 
Stick at it. The bad days and the good days. Listen to others, soak up everything you can. 

 Do you have any quotes that have really inspired you along your way? 
I have several, and while I can't remember the exact wording, or even who said them, but they go something like this: 

"If you don't have the time to read, then you don't have the skills to write." I love this because I eat books like I will never see another one, and I think that it really helped me develop my writing skills. 

"Sit down, pick up your pen, and write."
I get sidetracked often, and being reminded to just get on with it is always good. 

"Don't talk about it, write it." 
I don't really talk, I think. But I know I spend way to much time thinking rather than writing. 

"The first draft is piling the sand up, ready to make a sandcastle." 
My first drafts are always a mess. They change (I'm a pantser) and things that don't make any sense happen. But it's down on paper, and thats the most important thing. 

 Any last bits of advice?
Someone once said, "Being a writer means having homework everyday of your life" and I honestly think that it is the truth. And it's important to write every day to develop your skills, but I would never treat it like homework. I took a break after NaNoWriMo and my exams (they happen at the same time for me), and not writing allowed me to pick up and filter more ideas. However, it's important to remember that writing doesn't always mean your WIP, it could be a journal or a short story.  

Thank you so much for being with us, Wild Horse!
Thanks for having me! 
Please be sure to check all the information, which is listed in her author profile!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Blending Dialogue With Description - Post #2: "Making It Interesting"

It is too often a time when I find myself falling into the trap of unnecessary dialogue. And if it's not necessary... Well, it's probably boring. In other words, *yawn* your audience is butterfly hunting at this point. Yeah. Butterfly hunting. Where on earth do I get this stuff... Seriously?

Let me clear one thing up for you. When your audience is reading your book, you don't want them off hunting for butterflies.

"But-but-but, my description! It is not butterfly-hunt-distraction worthy! It is beyond perfect!"

First of all, no.

The first part in learning to use GOOD, USEFUL description, which will keep the interest of your reader, is learning to accept some criticism. If your friend says that you have too much description, then you do. She wouldn't lie to you, just to keep you happy. That's not what real friends do. And that just got really deep. We're not going there...

Here are some steps, to insure that your description is interesting to your readers.

  1. Answer all the five senses questions - I briefly covered these questions in a previous post. Basically, you describe what your character is feeling/seeing/smelling/hearing/tasting.
  2. Cut out all the extra words - If your description is too wordy, most people won't take the time to read it.
  3. Use vivid words - If you can create a beautiful picture in just a few sentences, chances are, you won't have any problem with description.
  4. Describe things as they are - Sometimes, I find myself exaggerating things... It's hard, I know from personal experience, to not get overly excited about something. Well, let me rephrase that. It's okay to get overly excited about something, but when you start using that energy in your writing, it can get kind of weird.

That's about all I got for you today...

You'll want to be on here tomorrow! We have something really special for  you all :) (It might just be a guest post from one of the girls over at RaWD... You never know... ;))

Keep writing!
Patricia Rane

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Art of Character Crafting - Post #3: "Character Journal"

Today, I am going to be talking about something that is a little bit different than the norm. I am going to challenge you to do something.

My challenge for you:

Write a journal, which is in the perspective of your character. Believe me, knowing how your character feels in certain situations can really help development, and your knowledge of your character.


Make use of your antagonist… Make life miserable for your main character. Make sure to describe the emotional side of things. This isn’t a story, this is your characters mind. Well that sounded kind of creepy. Sorry. “This is your character’s mind…” DUN DUN DUN.


Have fun!


Keep writing!


Patricia Rane

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Make Something - Post #3: "Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo Dat"

Have you ever done something because someone else was doing it?
     That is kind of a stupid question. Like 99.9% of the human race has done that. But I guess it's a question that makes you think. It's so easy to just go along with the crowd because either you don't want to stick out or you just don't know what the heck you're doing. And because I'm not aiming to get into your personal business today, I will be talking about the latter. ;)
     When you first start writing, it's kind of like building a house. You have a lot of materials but... what do you do when you don't have any blueprints? A lot of people just start building randomly. And  other people just borrow a blueprint from someone else. And guys, getting inspiration from other people is fine. (As long as it is not plagiarism, obviously.) But when you're just starting out your writing journey, it's easy to just kickstart yourself on someone else's writing style.
     Eight years ago, in the mists of time, I was just becoming an author. And during the time, I was super huge on the Little House on the Prairie books. Because those were really the only books I read, I based my writing style off of those books. Which is fine, I guess, but I let those books control how I wrote stuff and they hindered me from falling into my comfort zone. And it took me way too long to realize that I need to develop my own writing style.
     When it comes to actually finding your writing style, however, you need to step out of your writing norm. And this can be really hard, because after you've stepped out, finding your style itself can be an even bigger challenge. But guys, do you really want to write something that isn't your own? The reason you're doing this in the first place is to have fun. Writing is an outlet to be yourself. Express yourself. Tell your own story. So don't tell someone else's story. Ain't nobody got time fo dat. ;)
     I have a challenge for you all. Write something completely you. (Just let yourself tell the story and don't follow any rules that you've inadvertently made for yourself.) If you've already overcome this nasty hurtle in writing, then just pull out one of your books. (Haha!) Then send at least one chapter to us. We want to read your awesome stuff, people! But we don't want to read someone else's stuff. So be yourself. Create your own style. You're starting from scratch, but that's a firm foundation for building up, right?

Keep writing,
- Emilie

"The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say." - Anaïs Nin

Monday, February 23, 2015

Dark Awakening - Chapter 1

Hello, everyone! This is Emilie. Today (or tonight, rather--sorry about the late post!) I will be featuring the first chapter of my book, Dark Awakening. Enjoy!

~ ~ ~

In the deep forests of Thralia, two figures raced through the woods on two brown horses, cloaked in dark green and both clutching brown sacks with objects within that clinked together as their steeds thundered through the trees.
They finally stopped at the mouth of a dusty cave, overshadowed in thick leaves. One of the figures laughed and pulled back her hood, revealing that she had dark hair and knowing brown eyes. A small scar on her lip made her look intimidating, even when she laughed. 
“They never saw that one coming,” she said, looking over at the second cloaked figure, who also took off his hood.
He had the same type of hair and eyes she had, clearly indicating they were related. His hair stood up wildly and he had dried blood all down the side of his face. He grinned at her and threw his sack to his sister. “Look at that. I snagged one of those lamp thingies.”
She pulled out an Aladdin-type lamp, rubbing it jokingly. “First wish?”
“A million dollars,” he said, eyes crinkling up with laughter.
She put on a serious face and dumped out the sack, spilling gold coins, jewels, and even a silver goblet onto the ground. She swung off her horse and made a dramatic gesture. “Granted! Second wish?” She rubbed the lamp exaggeratedly, making her brother force down the corners of his mouth to suppress a laugh.
“Uh… a nice house,” he said, shrugging.
She strolled toward the cave, pulling her horse with her, and showed off the dirty interior with a hand gesture. “Done! Nice house!”
“You call that a nice house?” he asked, tying his horse’s reins to a branch. He suddenly became serious. “Gretel, we can’t stay here. This is one of Maleficent’s storehouses. If they find us…”
“Hansel, have some fun. We can do anything we want now. The queen thinks she can just send a bunch of stupid soldiers after us. But after four years, she hasn’t caught us. I think you can have at least one day off.” 
“Gretel, you know we can’t ever relax,” he reminded her. “We can’t relax until we overthrow Maleficent. Then we can take a day off.”
She shrugged, knowing he was right. “I know...”
“You nearly got killed back there with those guards,” he said. “I don’t want to put you in danger by staying here.”
Gretel thought about never having to hide from Maleficent again. No chases, no narrow escapes. It sounded almost too good to be true.
She put the lamp back in the sack and scooped up the rest of the gold. “Come on, let’s take a look around this storehouse.”
Hansel sighed and followed her as she walked into the cave.
She picked up a nearby lantern at her feet and lit it, holding it up to the darkness. Gold glittered all around her, piling up and reaching to the wall. She grinned. “Jackpot.”
“This place is empty,” she said as she inspected one of the pieces of treasure. “It’s not like we’re going to be eaten by a monster or a dragon or something.” She waved her hand dismissively as she picked up a diamond necklace and turned it in her hands.
Hansel put his hands on his hips. “She wouldn’t leave this much treasure lying out in the open. Somethings wrong. Get out of there, right now!”
“Okay, fine, I’m coming,” she said distractedly, picking up a gold chain. The small vial dangling off the end was full of dark, wicked looking liquid. She shrugged and put it on anyway. 
“Gretel, stop!” Hansel said, drawing his sword from his sheath. He sensed something was wrong.
She turned and looked at him, looking slightly concerned. “What is it?”
Suddenly there was a low hissing sound from deep within the cave. Gretel jumped and slowly backed up toward the entrance. She edged to her horse where she retrieved her bow and arrow, putting an arrow to the string.
Hansel mimicked Gretel’s voice under his breath. “It’s not like we’re going to get eaten by a dragon!”
She shot him a look and raised her bow as she saw two red eyes blink into existence. “What exactly does Queen Maleficent have guarded her cave?” 
“I think it’s a dragon, but because of the red eyes and the reptile-like noises, I can’t be sure,” he said sarcastically. “Why can’t you just listen to me?”
They both jumped as a spout of fire reached out of the cave. It made the horses rear wildly and broke free, running away.
“What do we do?” Gretel asked her brother, panic rising.
“Shh!” Hansel said. “Be still. Maybe if we inch away it won’t see us.”
There was a deafening roar that made both of them cover their heads protectively with their hands.
“You were saying?!” Gretel yelled above the noise as they both backed up. She saw two sickly green claws emerge into the light, then a giant snaking neck came out and reared to the sky, shooting fire again. 
Gretel thought that dragons were actually quite beautiful. She had only seen a couple in her life and they had been in pictures and paintings. She had always wanted to see one in real life, but this wasn’t exactly what she had been picturing.
They had elegant heads and beautiful ruby eyes. Their brilliant scales glittered like millions of tiny emeralds.
I am an idiot.
She shot an arrow at its head, but she missed its eye and it glanced off its hard scales. She growled in frustration and looked over at Hansel, who was brandishing his sword. 
“This isn’t working!” she yelled. 
Hansel ran forward and slashed with his blade, slicing through the scales with difficulty. The dragon roared again, spurting more flames and snapping at him with its long needle-like teeth. Hansel jumped aside to dodge a swing from the dragon and slid under its belly. He slashed at the exposed, softer scales, and the dragon arched its neck in pain. 
Gretel put another arrow on the string and released it, planting it between its front legs. 
She pulled out one of the last arrows from her quiver and ran forward, shooting at its heart while sliding between its legs, up next to her brother. The dragon shifted over them, roaring in pain and shooting fire wildly.
Then suddenly Hansel grabbed Gretel’s collar and pulled her out of the way as the dragon thrust its body downward to the side, trying to crush them. They stumbled into the sunlight as Gretel fumbled to fit another arrow to the string, still shaking from the narrow escape.
Hansel swung his sword defensively as the dragon lunged toward with his teeth. Its eyes glittered with an evil blood red light. 
Suddenly it swung one powerful claw at Gretel, eyes flashing, and the impact sent her flying into a tree before she could do anything. Her quiver cracked, and colors swam before her eyes as she crumpled to the ground.
“Gretel!” Hansel yelled. 
She blearily saw him swing to deflect snaps from the dragon, trying to stay conscious. 
Suddenly something else caught her eye; a movement from the bushes, and then pain exploded in her arm and she cried out.
She was faintly aware of Hansel calling her name, and then everything went black.

~ ~ ~ 

She groaned immediately as she regained enough consciousness to feel the broken bones in her body, and cried out. Immediately she felt her brother’s cool hand on her forehead, stroking her gently. “Are you okay, Gretel?”
She had a million questions running through her head, but she managed to sit herself up against the tree he had leaned her against. She tried to open her eyes, but her head hurt too much.
“I figured I’d wait till you were awake to lecture you about the dangers of greediness,” he said jokingly. 
“Oh, please, spare me,” she moaned, hand fluttering up to her head. “What happened?”
“I think the dragon was just going for the potion,” he said. “It fell off of you when you hit the tree. Then it just grabbed it and flew away.” He shrugged. “Anyway, I found one of our horses,” he said. 
“How long was I out?”
“Only about twenty minutes,” he said. She finally managed to open her eyes, and saw that Hansel’s hair was even more wild than usual and singed all across the top. She was going to ask if he was hurt, but she figured he’d only say “no,” regardless what the truth was.
He continued, rummaging through what must’ve been one of the saddlebags. “Thankfully, our gold is still in here, including that magic lamp.” He laughed and waved it in her face. “It really works!”
“Please, not right now,” Gretel said in a pained voice, closing her eyes again. 
Hansel laughed again and patted her gently on the shoulder, before pulling out the water-skin from the bag and opening it up. “Do you want something to drink?”
“Agh, I would, but I don’t think I could stomach it. Agh!” She suddenly cried out, grabbing her arm. “Ow…” 
Hansel jumped forward and pulled up her sleeve carefully, making Gretel wince again. When the cloth was pushed away, Gretel gave a little gasp of shock.
There were four deep gouges in her arm, looking like claw marks. But they couldn’t have been from the dragon, Gretel thought. The dragon’s claws were too big. 
“You must’ve hit some rocks,” Hansel murmured, touching it gingerly with his leather gloved fingers. 
“That doesn’t look like a bunch of rocks could’ve done that,” Gretel said weakly. “I think I’m going to throw up…”
Hansel poured some water on the wound, making her bite her lip to suppress another cry of pain. Then he slipped off his thin shirt and used it as a bandage, wrapping it around her arm. She gave him a look of gratitude and shifted her body. “Do you think I broke anything?”
“Just your leg, I think,” he said.
She looked at him blankly. “What? Just my leg?” It felt to her like all her bones in her body had been ground up to tiny pieces. 
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Yup. But it’ll take a while to heal, unfortunately.”
“What about Maleficent?” she asked. “I don’t know how to use a sword, and all my arrows are broken.”
“We’ll make more,” Hansel said. “And I’m here just in case anyone comes back. Trust me, you’re safe. Now try to rest, or else your leg’ll take longer to heal. I put a splint on it, so all you have to do is just not move around. I’ll be back in five minutes. I’m just going to go scout.” He stood up, strapping his sheath to his waist. She watched him go, wondering when he’d notice that his hair was sticking straight up.

Looking around again, she located her quiver laying a couple feet away from her. Picking it up, she took out an arrow from it, which immediately broke in three different pieces. She groaned and began to finger the sharp end. She couldn’t shake the feeling that the scrapes on her arm were more than just scrapes. She could feel deep inside that something was wrong.

~ ~ ~

My inspiration for this chapter was really actually quite complicated. I'm not sure you would call it inspiration rather than an idea that I had no idea what I would do with. I had been thinking a lot about combining fairytales into one world for a long time--I had always liked the concept. I suppose that's how Dark Awakening was born. I started writing and gathering ideas and it really just fell together.
     I think the hardest part, though, was actually starting the book. Isn't that always the hardest part? It is really rather challenging to round up all your thoughts and put them into coherent sentences that actually create something you like. (Got all poetic there.) I had so many different ideas. Inspiration, if you like. But it was only when I was a few chapters in when I actually started to go somewhere. Have a direction. A solid plot. I guess that's the moral of this story: taking your time. You don't need everything figured out at the beginning, right? I mean, sure, you need SOME structure, but in the long  run, you're still figuring out the full story at chapter 30. You will always keep adding on, but the important part is never to get discouraged. :)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the beginning of my story!
Keep writing,
- Emilie

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Friday Post - Our Book Covers!

Hey, everyone! Welcome to today's Friday Post, where we share any random little tidbits or tips that we think of during the week. Today, we're going to show you how we make our book covers!

Dark Awakening - Emilie's Book Cover

     For my cover, I used Adobe Photoshop to make my cover for my book Dark Awakening. And funny story: I was going to make a kind of step by step process thingy but then I realized that my photoshop program was no longer on the computer. Oops.
     Well, I think I can remember everything, right?
     Okay, so, the first thing I do when I'm making a cover is finding a picture I like. I usually pick the most important thing in my book (For example, I used a wolf) and tried to find good pictures related to that. And narrowing it down to exactly what you want when searching Google is hard, but I normally keep my search pretty vague, like just "Wolf". You'd be surprised how many anime pictures will pop up, but whatever. Japan has officially taken over Google. No biggie.
     Now remember that you want to add "high definition" to your search, because if you don't find a high quality picture, it will turn out blurry.
     In the end, I came up with this:

     I usually download the fonts I want for the title from the internet since the default ones aren't necessarily always what I like. This is completely optional though; after all, this cover is being designed by you. I downloaded "A Charming Font". These downloads are free and reliable. I haven't had any bug or virus trouble after downloading them. :)
     When I have everything I need, I'll run my Adobe Photoshop program (which apparently decided to run away) I'll press "New" in the drop down list "File" and make a new project with the dimensions 8.5 and 11 in inches. (This is about the size of a piece of paper.)
     I normally just place my photo and mess around with it till I'm satisfied. I do a lot of cropping and adjusting. ;)
     Then I add the title. To pick a color for the title, I use the little eye dropper tool and find the color that is a little lighter than the most common color in the picture. (If that makes sense) Then to make the words even more prominent I go to "Layer Styles" and add a "Drop Shadow". Then I adjust the shadow so that it surrounds all of the words only slightly.
     Anyway, once I've messed around with the controls a LOT, I finally come up with this:


Happily Never After - Patricia's Book Cover

Patricia, here. In the past two Monday's I've given you a small peek into my storyworld, and now I am going to give you a bit of insight on my book cover... And how it was made.

So, my book is called "Happily Never After", right? Kinda fairytale-gone-wrong-ish. The plot is (if you haven't guessed yet) about Princesses, and their paths crossing; and it's all tied together with a lovely prophecy. Prophecies just make everything better, amIright.

So, I went on bing, and typed in "Sad Princess".

Lots of pictures popped up... (I want to caution you, if your computer doesn't have a filter, DO NOT do this...) And I found one that I liked. After doing some checking to see if it was copyrighted, I discovered that it wasn't. (If it's copyrighted, don't even think about using it...)

Here is the original picture that I found:

I put it on my editing software (Adobe photoshop), and gave it my own twist:

Aaand, finally. I used my trusty app ('Fotor'), the final product looked like this:


Well, that's a peek into our cover-creating process :)

Keep writing!

- ♥ Emilie and Patricia ♥

Blending Dialogue With Description - Post #1: "Keep Reading, Don't Skip This Part!"

As writers, we are entitled to everyone else's opinion. And when I say everyone, I mean pretty much everyone. Your writer friends, your critique group, and of course: your readers. Problems can and will happen. Here is a scenario:

You've just wrote the best chapter of your whole writing career. You FINALLY nailed the description. The main character has answered all of the five senses question, through the wonderful mastery of your description. You finish your final edit of the snippet, and you excitedly send it off to your critique group, or your writing buddies. Their job is to critique, right? Well, they won't have anything to critique... What you wrote was perfect.
Alas! The suspense! It is too great!
But finally... you hear that blessed noise. That wonderful, wonderful sound. The 'ding', which signifies that one of your buddies has replied.
You excitedly open the email, to uncover the mysterious praise, which your computer screen masks.
Wait a second... "Too much description?!?!" What is this? Why has your friend betrayed you like this? After all those years of being best friends and writing buddies... This is how it ends.
You continue to read what she wrote. "I found myself skipping the description, to get to the dialogue." Soon, sobs possess your whole being. How could she do this to you?? You spent DAYS on that description!! Read the rest of this blog post to find out... **vanishes in a puff of smoke**

Yohhhhkahhy. Maybe that was a bit dramatic. But, still. It happens.

We live in a strange generation... Our readers love drama. They want the dialogue. The interaction between the characters. They could care less what the scenery looked like.  But wait, since our generation has the majority of no imagination, you'd better throw just enough description in there so that they don't have to... **collective gasp** IMAGINE.

Buuutttttt... There is still a way to get your amazing description in with your much-craved dialogue. And that is what this new series is going to be about!

That's all for now, folks. Stay tuned, next week, for the exciting 2nd post of this new series. Bye for now!

Haha, keep writing!

~Patricia Rane

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Art of Character Crafting - Post #2: "Making Your Characters Seem Real"


That, my friends, is a word that you want to do everything in your power to avoid, while creating a character.

All of your characters... ALL of them, have some clichés that technically you should avoid. Now, there are some exceptions. I have several clichés in my novel... But, I have put my own unique twist on them (because the features of one of my characters is crucial to the plot-line).
Sidenote: Sometimes, authors do some of these on purpose, for effect.

Here is a list of some of the clichés I have found, which go with each character.

Main Character - Usually strong. Especially if your character is female. Usually exceptionally good-looking.
E.g. Tris from Divergent.
Sidekick - Often times... There are two types... And when I say this, I hope you realize that I'm talking about a girl ;). The first type is usually drop-dead gorgeous... You know... Perfectly done blond hair, full lips, sharply defined facial features, and a 'perfect' body. But the catch is that she can't do anything. She's about as dumb as they get. The second type is sometimes still drop-dead gorgeous, but more than not, their appearance doesn't matter, because they are the smartest person you will ever meet.
E.g. type #1: Lucy from The Life of Ellie Sweet
E.g. type #2: Annabeth from The Lightning Thief
Antagonist - Same thing with the sidekick... Only this person (male or female) will be a person of influence. They are important. And yeah.... Usually, they are really good looking.
E.g. Four from Divergent
Villain - Red/black/weirdly-glowing-eyes. Black hair. Some sort of pet, which is reallyyyyy important to the story.
E.g. Maleficent from (I know... It's a movie, but it still counts.) Maleficent
So... Along with some good description, and avoiding these clichés, you can have some super 'real' characters!
Good luck!
Keep writing!
~Patricia Rane

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Make Something - Post #2: "What's the Difference Between Your Book and a Cookie?"

Have you ever tried to do something and then realized that you are hopelessly under prepared?
     I remember one time I woke up one morning and was like, "Hey, I feel like making cookies." So I went downstairs and started just making them. I didn't even check to make sure I had all the ingredients. So, about five ingredients in, I realized, "well crap. I don't have any sugar."
     So we have these pretty awesome neighbors who let us borrow sugar, eggs, etc, and so I went over to their house and got the sugar I needed. Problem solved, right? I mean, I had my sugar, I had all my ingredients, and I was hungry as heck for cookies. So where was the problem?
     I continued to make the cookies until I realized that I didn't have enough butter. Greeeeat. So I went back to my neighbor's house.
     "Hi again."
     Everything was going really well after that, and I finally finished the dough and was baking my lovely chocolate chip cookies when I decided to go into the other room to read some good old Harry Potter while I waited. Now, guys, you have to understand that this is Harry Potter we're talking about. Seventh book. And I was reading it for the first time.
     Needless to say I got very enraptured and forgot all about my poor cookies.
     So my cookies didn't turn out how I wanted them. The process of making them was slow--and a little embarrassing--and in the end all I had was a mess. But guys, that's going to happen. You're going to have big ideas, and you're going to get super excited and think that you have everything you need, but then you realize the truth: you don't have the tools. You just don't. And I'm not going to tell you to "follow your heart and you will surely succeed!" Because no. Just no.
     But like I said before, don't give up. Just because you're under prepared doesn't mean you're going to stay that way. Even if you need help, you have what it takes to fix every problem that comes your way while writing.
     Have you ever jumped right into a book with a huge smile on your face and at the same time thinking, "I have no idea what I'm doing." Yeah, that's called being under prepared. I guarantee that if you don't have any character development or plot already planned out beforehand, then your story will crash and burn. I'm sorry, but it's true. If you want to write a good story then you need to have at least a few structural ideas.
     But how do you get those ideas? I mean, those are freaking hard to think of. It can't just be me right? I can't be the only one who pulls out half of their hair trying to think of plots.
     My best suggestion would be to talk to other people. They have great ideas. So many of my friends have helped me to create some of my best ideas. I couldn't write my books without them. And you'll find that your friends that aren't authors have ideas that they've wanted to write but couldn't. There are so many options to explore!
     So don't let your cookies flunk just because you didn't check to make sure you had all the ingredients before you started baking. Your neighbor is always there to lend you sugar and butter. ;)

Keep writing,

"Writing's a lot like cooking. Sometimes the cake won't rise, no matter what you do, and every now and again the cake tastes better than you ever could have dreamed it would." - Neil Gaiman

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happily Never After - Chapter 2

In last week's Monday post I shared with you the first chapter of my WIP. Today, I will share with you the second one.

Chapter 2


A small figure, bathed in moonlight, perched atop the weather-beaten fence. She squinted her eyes, straining to see into the distance. Flicking her long, raven, black hair over her shoulder, she hopped to the ground, but crumpled, landing on her tush. Moaning in pain and frustration, she twisted around and grasped the fence. Pulling herself back up to standing position, she leaned on the fence.

A few moments before, Snow had stumbled over a gravestone, which was under a large willow tree. Who puts a headstone way out here? And under a tree…

Her leg had been twisted and banged up pretty badly… She had been able to drag herself over to what looked like a wooden fence.

How was her plan going to succeed now? She could barely stand on one leg, let alone two. So much for being free. So much for escaping… She muttered to herself.

In the distance, she could see the shape of a large farm-house. Taking her cape of, she wrapped it around her leg. Gritting her teeth and setting her jaw, she tied it tightly in a knot. She groped around in the darkness until she found a long stick. It was about 4 feet long and 5 inches thick – perfect for the use of a crutch.

Then slowly and painfully, she made her way through the fields and approached the farmhouse. The dim light of a single lantern illuminated the kitchen window. Peeking in, Snow saw a girl sitting in the fireplace. Her eyes were squinted from the tedious task which she was working on, and she was hunched over a bolt of material.

As silently as anyone on a crutch can, she waddled over to the barn. She quickly opened the door, and slipped inside.

The smell of animals greeted her, and she welcomed it. She was out of the wind, and was already feeling warmer.

There was a shaft of moonlight shining through the only window; and several moonbeams came through the crack in the ceiling. Just enough light for her to make out the shape of a ladder on the far wall. She carefully made her way over to the ladder to examine it further. She was hoping for a hayloft, in which she could spend the night in. Snow shifted her gaze upwards, and was not disappointed.

She leaned her crutch against the wall, where she could use it in the morning. Gripping the ladder with both hands, she used her strength to inch up the ladder. It was only moments, but it seemed like hours before she reached the loft. The sweet smell of the fresh hay and the comforting warmth it brought her helped to relax her battered body. She felt safe, which was a feeling that she hadn’t felt in months. Slowly, her eyes closed, and she was soon dreaming of sweet, precious things. Things that she doubted that she could ever achieve.


Snow’s eyes fluttered open. Light was streaming through the roof and the cracks in the walls. She bolted upright. She had overslept. Now how was she going to get out of here? Then she noticed something… There was a girl – the same girl who she had seen the night before – sitting a few feet away from her.

            “Shhh!” the girl said soothingly. “Who are you?” she whispered.

Snow frantically looked around. “Are we alone, or are there more?” she asked.

The other girl nodded. “In complete solitude…” she added dramatically, smiling at her. She was very pretty. Blond hair, and deep green eyes. “I’m Ella,” she brushed a loose curl from her eye.

            “How do I know I can trust you?” she asked.

            “Well, I haven’t told anybody yet, and I’ve been watching you for quite some time.” Ella replied, smiling warmly. “I promise,” she paused, “I of all people you can trust.”

“Who owns this property?” she wondered.

            “Technically, I do…” Ella replied. “But my stepmother, Lady Hesperia, and her daughters, Abigail and Sandra have pretty much taken over…”

            “What happened?” Snow inquired, noticing a bruise that Ella had on her cheek.

            “Well, my mother died when I was 12 years of age… My father remarried, as he thought it was best that I have a mother.” She paused, painfully. “He died about 2 years ago… I was but 14.”

            “I’m sorry,” Snow apologized tenderly. “My mother died when I was a baby, and my father also remarried. He died shortly after…”

            “What happened to your stepmother?” Ella flicked a piece of straw off of her apron.

Snow’s face hardened at the mention of her… “She doesn’t fancy me. In fact, she ordered her huntsman to cut out my heart and bring it back to her.”

Ella’s eyes widened with shock and horror. “How horrid…” She sighed. “And to think, I thought my situation is terrible.”

Snow looked puzzled. “What’s wrong?”

            “My stepfamily doesn’t really fancy me either… They’ve deemed me their workhorse and they abuse me constantly.” She sighed again. “But I shouldn’t complain. If there is one lesson that my mother taught me, it was to brace yourself and do what you have to do. After all,” she continued, “they are my family…”

Snow suddenly snapped out of a daze. “I should be leaving!” she attempted to stand, but failed miserably.

            “Oh, you’re hurt!” Ella said sorrowfully. “What happened?”

            “On my way through the fields which are behind your home, I stumbled over a headstone,” she winced as Ella started untying the cape. “I don’t think it’s broken… Just bruised.”

Ella shook her head. “This is definitely broken.”

            “How can you be so sure?” Snow asked, panic rising in her voice.

            “My stepsister – Abigail – broke her ankle a few years ago… She was prancing around in ridiculously heeled shoes, and she fell over a chair leg.” She carefully rubbed the bruise. “Since the family had little money at that time, I, of course, was the one to tend to her.”

Hot tears began to form in Snow’s eyes and soon spilled out onto her cheeks. “How can I travel on a broken ankle…?” she moaned, more to herself than to Ella.

            “You’re not,” Ella got to her feet. “You’re going to stay right here.”

            “But I can’t!” Snow protested. “What if they find me? You’ll be in serious trouble… and besides, I can’t just ask you to take care of me for 6 weeks, or however long it will take for it to heal.”

            “8 weeks… And I don’t recall you asking me. I think I volunteered,” she smiled softly. “I have to make breakfast for my family now…” She walked over to the ladder. “Just sit tight in here for the time-being, I’ll be up afterward. And I’ll have food for you.” She began the dismount. “I will also set your ankle while I’m up here later.”

            “What if they find me?” Snow asked.

            “They won’t… I’m the only one who comes to the barn.”

And with that, Ella was gone.

Snow sighed with relief. Not only did she have a place to stay and recover for the time being, she also had a new friend. And she had never had a friend before.
Often times, I find that the second chapter is more difficult to write than the first. The first chapter is used to get to know a little bit about your characters, to reveal the tiniest details about your plotline, and to kickstart the action. The second chapter usually wakes me up, slaps me on the face, and says, "Welcome to the real world."
I've narrowed down a few of the reasons why the second chapter is harder to write.
  1. The story is really 'started', if you know what I mean. You've had your big sha-bang party as the first chapter, and now it's time to wake up and start writing. The more 'fun' part is done with, and you have to write (basically) a whole novel now. Not to say that after the first chapter is written, the rest is a chore... I'm not saying that at all! Writing is something that I enjoy immensely, and I often do it after I get my 'real' work done. You know... Geometry homework, chores, and all that jazz.
  2. You have to get more into your character development, which is hard. Keeping track of details, is often times a chore, I'm not going to lie. But the character list that I gave you in Post #1 of My Character Crafting Series is awesome for keeping a straight record of the nitty-gritty details that everybody loses track of. Again, thank you, RWD, for such an awesome list!
  3. You still have inspiration, it's just not as inspiring as when you wrote your first chapter. Like I said before, you've already introduced some people, and a little bit of your plotline... Now it's time to do the rest. And the second chapter is the first step in writing the rest of your novel.
Remember, you're not going to get a novel overnight. It just doesn't happen that way. It certainly would be nice if it did... But it doesn't. Please, please, please, if you've learned nothing from this post yet, please keep in mind the phrase "Take things in baby-steps". If you've seen a baby learning to walk, you probably know what I am talking about. The same thing goes for writing. As you learn to write, you will probably fall a few times, here and there. But as you get more and more sure of yourself, it will gradually begin to show itself in your writing! You CAN do it, just keep working!
Keep writing!
~Patricia Rane

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Announcements and Stuff

Good morning!

Happy Valentine's Day! ♥♥♥ Or... If you're single... Happy Singles Awareness Day! ☺☺☺

So I have a few announcements... But first, I think some thank-you's are in order. I want to give a huge shout-out and thank you to my dear friend, Emily Kap, for doing such a fabulous job on yesterday's post! Thank you, friend ♥

Okay, so announcements...

This week, we are diving into some of our series posts. Stay tuned... They include: Making Something, Character Crafting, Blending dialogue with description, Among others :)

Monday, you will get another sample of either my work, or Emilie's.

Aaaaand, Friday. Well, let's just say we have something special planned for that blessed day ;)

So, yes.

And I'm still excited about Emily's awesome post yesterday... Thank you, than you, thank you :)

Keep writing!

~Patricia Rane

Friday, February 13, 2015

Guest Post - Emily Kap

Hello Everyone,

My name is Emily Kap.  I like chocolate, the stories of BBC, reading, and of course, writing.

When Patricia and Emilie invited me to write on their blog, I was a little stumped on what exactly to say, and the only line that I could come up with was,

"Hi, so . . . my name is Emily and I like writing."

(I's an impressive first line, right?)

But this really made me think about things: what defines someones writing career? What makes you stand out from the rest of the crowd? And what makes you stand out to yourself?

When I started to write, in all honesty, it wasn't actually because I wanted to write. My little 12 year-old self had a more complex plan than just writing out a fun story. The plan can be summarized by three words:

To blend in.

Of course it was by an odd fate that I had started my book right after my old sister had really, seriously, begun to write.

Obviously you all can see where this is going. I tried reallllly hard to be cool just like my big sister, going around and telling people that I had written a book, but the fuel to my fire slowly burnt off; the dream just wasn't mine, at least, writing a book that was in the same genre, and that practically had the same title as my older sister' just wasn't right.

So then I found this quote by C. S. Lewis:


Looking back on that first year of writing, I think that the biggest lesson that I learnt was to be myself! I can't just write in a category that is really popular at the present moment, but I need to write about what I really enjoy. 

When I really started writing for myself, I made sure to write out this quote and put it on my binder that I had stored all of the precious pages in - it was a reminder: writing isn't about looking cool, or fitting in, but about doing what you love, whether that is fantasy, historical fiction, poetry, or dystopian.  

Hopefully this post will help you all, and I hope that you enjoyed reading it. :)  

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Art of Character Crafting - Post #1: "Crazy, Capable, and Outright Cantankerous..."

Characters... You can't live with them... You can't live without them... But somehow, you find a way to create/develop/work-with-them every time you write.

As you probably know already, characters are a VITAL part of fictional writing. Without at least 4 characters, the story would be flat.

4 characters... 4 VITAL characters.

Main Character
These are the must-haves... However, to make your story more diverse and interesting, you will probably have several more of these.

Your main character (abbreviated: m/c or mc)... This one is pretty obvious. He/she will be the main person the story is about. E.g. Harry Potter in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.

Your antagonist... Some people take the role of the antagonist and roll it together with the villain. It works. It just does. The job of the antagonist is to... Well... Antagonize. He/she is supposed to make life miserable for your main character, and the characters that are helping/related to your main character. E.g. Severus Snape in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.

Your sidekick... The role of the sidekick in a story is often played by a best friend or a sibling. You may have more than one sidekick. And sometimes, the sidekick goes from being a sidekick to being one of the main characters. **collective gasp** And, I know... You're going to kill me, because we love these characters so much... (IT'S THE PERFECT EXAMPLE THOUGHHHH) E.g. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.

Last, but certainly not least: your villain... This is almost as self-explanatory as the main character, but I am still going to go through it... Your villain is almost as important, if not more important than your main character. It is also the hardest to develop. Most readers love a villain that they can sympathize with. Everyone loves a good backstory. When creating/developing your villain, you want to be EXTREMELY careful. With a diverse backstory, lots of other characters, and an absolutely fabulous plot-line, it can be very easy to let the smallest of details slide. And you definitely don't want that to happen with your villain. And, yet again, my example is from Harry Potter... Well, it has everything... E.g. Lord Voldemort (previously known as Tom Riddle to some) in Harry Potter and the Halfblood Prince (this one is different than the others, because we finally get his backstory in this book).

A few weeks ago, I was scrolling through one of my favorite blogs, and I found this handy list of questions to ask while creating your character (it's also great for keeping track of details **cough cough**. Great job, RWD!

Character Profile: 72 Questions

Keep writing!

~Patricia Rane


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Make Something - Post #1: "The Hardest Thing to Find"

     Every day, when you sit down to write, the hardest thing to find is the right word to say. You have so many ideas, but for some reason there are these times when it is nearly impossible to put that idea down on paper. It isn't quite Writer's Block, but you can't seem to write the way you like.
     In this series, I'm going to help you discover the hardest thing to find.
     I've been writing for about eight years, which means I started when I was five. Needless to say, it didn't start out so well. I still have some of my old stories... but there is no way I am letting them see the light of day! They were badly written, obviously, with more grammatical problems then you could count and random word choice. But I kept practicing, because I wanted more than anything in the world to become a published author. Or at least finish a book.
     About five years later I started another story after being discouraged by so many other failed attempts, and I actually started to go somewhere with it. I wrote about 200 pages of fairly good material--sure, it had many errors, but it was still something. I started to get excited! Was I seriously about to fulfill my dream? Finish a book and publish it and become the most famous person in the world? I mean, guys, I was aiming for J. K. Rowling status with my little book that I had created. I was so ready to finish and edit it and everything, when suddenly.... I ran out of inspiration. And when ran out of inspiration, I did the exact thing that I shouldn't have done--I gave up. I basically just said, "Forget it." And walked away from my creation I had worked so hard on. I had failed so many times, and I was so disappointed. I had gotten so far and then the story had just.... stopped. I had a great plot, great characters, but no inspiration.
     A year ago, I pulled out that story and read it again. I hadn't realized how badly written it was before, when I was so excited with it. The characters were weak and the plot was pointless, but still. It was probably the best story that I had written yet. When I read it, I was reminded of how disappointed I had felt, when I had given up my dream of being an author. And then and there, I decided that I wouldn't let that dream die out. I would try again. Think of new ideas. Get new inspiration. Somehow.
     So last year I started a few new books. The ideas were random, and seemingly pointless, but I thought and I thought and I scrounged up every piece of inspiration I had. I even got a friend to edit for me. And sure enough, I made something with strong characters and strong plot and *gasp* good grammar.
     You guys don't even know how excited I was about my new stories, and I hope that you are just as excited with your own stories. Don't give up! Make something. Make something great out of nothing because that is the power of being an author. You're taking these stupid pointless ideas and shaping them into something awesome. And I don't know if you've been a similar situation, where you've just thrown the towel in and said "Forget it!" because of all other failed times you tried to write down your ideas.
     But you can make something. You can be J. K. Rowling if you want. Sure, it may take time, and patience, and I whole lot of tears, but you have it in you. You can learn, you can create, you can practice! Don't give up.
     So in this blog series, I will be sharing the ways that I get inspiration and keep up my writing spirit. I hope that they help you as well and that you create something that you love. :)

Keep writing,
Emilie Graye

"The worst thing you write is better than the best thing that you did not write." - Unknown

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happily Never After - Chapter 1

Hey, guys!

It's Patricia, and I just want to give a nice, big, warm welcome! So happy you've found us, and if we can help in ANY way, please fill out the form on the sidebar!

Today, I am going to share with you the first chapter of my novel "Happily Never After".

Chapter One



As the sun rose over the country side, it laid a serene golden life-light over everything. It was so peaceful. Soft, gray-yellow, all over. First, slowly… then all at once, colors streaked the sky, the great ball of fire appeared in the sky.   

Ella silently slipped out the back door to the country farm-house in which she had grown up in. She tied a kerchief on her head, slipped into her boots, and then took off running. Tearing through the back fields of their property… Never stopping… Never looking back. She came upon a weather-beaten fence. She swung her leg over it, and then landed on the ground with a thud. Even that didn’t stop her. She kept going.

In the distance, sat a weeping willow tree. Its branches were familiar to her. She had sat in its arms as a child, and now it became her place of escape. Her escape from this life. This dreadful life. This life of dreariness and pain. Life hadn’t had much to offer Ella… And she was feeling its distaste for her.

She collapsed under the tree. Burying her head in her hands, she silently cried.

            “Oh, momma,” she gasped. “I’m trying… I really am… But I can’t do it! They hate me! And how can I be good to someone who hates me?” Rubbing her eyes, she continued, “They’re all I have left… You and papa are gone, and I am so alone. So alone. Why does it have to be this way, momma?” She silently cried for another fifteen minutes.

Then she stood, her neck bent to keep her hair from snagging on the willow branches. She tenderly placed a bunch of rather damp, but still beautiful wild-flowers on the headstone which she had been sitting next to.

Drying her tears, she bid farewell to her mother. “Until I need to escape again,” she said bitterly.

She took off at a brisk pace back towards the house. Her step-family would soon be wanting breakfast.

When she got back to the house, she removed her boots, and carefully placed them back where she got them. She opened the door just wide enough for her small body to pass through. When she closed the door behind her, and turned around, her stepmother stood there.

            “You’ve snuck out, again, I see,” she said with contempt. The woman sent a stinging slap across the girl’s face. As it smarted, more tears formed in her eyes.

Her stepmother was a tall woman. Green eyes, and slowly graying, brown hair (usually pulled into a tight bun), and sharply defined cheekbones. She probably was beautiful… But Ella couldn’t see that through the many bruises she had acquired from her hand over the years. All that was left was an ugly soul with a torturing character.

            “It stings, doesn’t it?” her stepmother asked. “That,” she curled her lip in distaste, “is exactly,” she paused again, “how you make me feel.”

            “After all this time… Since your precious father passed on, may he rest in peace, I have fed you, given you clothes to wear, and let you live in my house. And yet you still persist in betraying me.” She sent another slap across Ella’s cheek. There would definitely be a bruise. What’s one more? Ella thought bitterly.

            “We’ll deal with this later,” the woman said, turning. “My family will be wanting breakfast soon.” As she left the room, she added, “don’t neglect the animals. They need to be fed too.”

Ella bit back tears of frustration and loneliness. She cracked the eggs and then put the frying pan over the fire.

Sprinkling flour on the table, she began to knead the biscuit dough.




            “I heard that Prince Carl is back from studying abroad…” The prissy voice paused and then the speaker sighed. “What a catch he is…”

Ella entered the room, trays of food hoisted on her hips. She saw Abigail swooning over the prince and rolled her eyes.

            “You know… I quite fancy him,” the girl swished her blond curls, and widened her blue eyes dreamily.

            “Who doesn’t fancy him?” the other teenager replied.

            “Oh, Sandra…” Abigail said in a pitying voice. “It’s too bad that I got the blond hair. Yours is brown… Plain… old… brown…” The older sister said in an antagonizing voice.

            “I quite like my hair, thank you.” Sandra replied. “And I could care less about where the hoity-toity royals spend our money on their education.”

            “Oh, you’re just jealous.” Abigail said spitefully.

            “Girls!” their mother said, raising her voice on a warning tone. “Stop the petty arguing, please. It is giving me a headache.”

            “Yes, mother.” They both mumbled.

Abigail, tiring of trying to provoke her real sister about her looks, she turned to her step-sister. “Ella, what on earth have you been doing?” Her eyes squinted in a criticizing way. “You look like you’ve been sleeping in the fireplace.”

This got their mother’s attention. As Ella walked around the table, serving everyone their breakfast, she addressed her other daughters. “Ella snuck out again this morning. I don’t know where she went, but she came back absolutely filthy.”

Sandra simply made a ‘tsk’-ing noise and shook her head. Abigail, never passing up the opportunity to torture someone, dove head first into the drama.

            “Foolish girl,” she patronized. “Well, I suppose I can’t call you ‘Ella’ anymore… Since Ella means ‘Beauty’, and you are just about the furthest thing from that – all that dirt on you and everything – I will need to think up a new name.”

When Ella brought the food around to serve Abigail, she received a stealthily targeted kick in the shins. Again, for the third time that morning, tears formed in her eyes. Yet, she went on, scooping eggs and sausage onto her selfish rival’s plate. “I think ‘Cinderella’ suits you much better… Yes,” she hissed. “Cinderella it is.”

            Abigail’s eyes glinted with pleasure. She loved tormenting Ella. It was one of her favorite things to do. And she got away with abusing her every time. “How do you like your new name, Cinderella?” She asked, icicles forming in every word.

When Ella remained silent, Abigail sent her foot against Ella’s shin again. This time, Ella’s knees almost buckled. But she kept her composure. “Would you like anything else to eat?” Was the only thing that came out of the girl. Frustrated, Abigail stood.

            “I asked you a question.” For the third time that morning, her face was slapped. “I expect an answer.”

            “Abigail,” her mother said in a bored voice, barely raising her eyes from the book she was reading. “You are keeping the servant from her duties.” Then she raised her eyes ½ an inch. “Can’t you talk to her later?”

Abigail sank back into the velvet-backed, cherry dining-chair. “I suppose,” she sighed. “Go do your work, slave.” She taunted Ella. “And don’t forget, if you singe any of my dresses, you will be whipped.”

Ella scurried out of the room, her eyes lowered. Her heart ached from loneliness. Her body ached from abuse. And she had chores to do.


 I hope you enjoyed reading that as much as I did writing it!
I came up with the idea for this story a while back. I can't remember what I was doing, but it hit me like a semi-truck. Getting it down on paper was another story... ;)
In this piece, I use what I like to call A Word Picture. I have tried to make you see, not just understand. I have a few questions that I like to ask myself when writing a scene with lots of description.
1) What is my m/c feeling? - What are his/her five senses feeling? Do they feel a breeze touching their face? Or do they feel fire engulfing their hands? Do they smell freshly baked sugar cookies? Or do they smell freshly made cow manure? Do they see a peaceful, golden sunrise? Or do they see a raging forest fire? Do they hear soft, classical music floating around in the background? Or do they hear the loud screeching of tires and the crunching of metal?
What is their conscience feeling? Are they guilty, sad, joyful, tired, weak, or angry?
Put it to words.
 2) What does the scenery look like? - This is a little bit self-explanatory... But I do want to warn you! A lot of description can be a bit tedious to read. If you have too much, you may lose the interest of your audience.
3) Is there something else going on that my characters will find out about later? - Is something happening to your m/c's best friend, while you are writing this scene? Set your scene up so that your character's emotions can be molded into what you want them to be when they find out.
Well, that's all I have for you today! I must say... I LOVE working with this new blog... So fresh and new...
Anyway, make sure you're here tomorrow! Emilie is kicking off our first posting series! I'm sure it's going to be brilliant!
Love you all!
Keep writing!
~Patricia Rane