Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Hey guys!!

I am living proof that NaNo doesn't kill everybody. I survived, AND I FINISHED MY NOVEL. So that's nice.

Since my novel is based off of reality, I didn't hit the 50k mark because I could only extend my plot so much. But that's okay. I still feel like I won because I finished it.

Currently, I am in the midst of plotting and writing a new WIP, which is going swimmingly.

Congrats to ALL NaNo participants, whether you 'won' or not! Personally, I think the situation is a win-win even if you don't hit your mark. Because A) it gets you motivated to actually START writing, and B) You got some writing done. Even if it was only 50 words, you still added progress to what you already had.

Talk to you soon!

